Thursday, June 9, 2011


Hey, guys. Sorry, I've not been posting in a while. I had a shoulder surgery more than 2 weeks ago, and it made it very hard for me to type. So, I feel better now, and back to blogging.
Because of the surgery I had to miss more than two weeks of my summer classes (5 weeks in total), so I had to drop Organic I, because there was no way that I will catch up. I thought I'll be able to spend some time studying in the time I was away after the surgery, but I was in so much pain, that I couldn't study, since I was living on pain killers basically. But I stayed in my engineering class, since the material was easier, and the instructor was willing to work with me. I have about 10 more days to finish this session, and I'm gonna take the 2nd session off to nurse my shoulder pain, and start studying for the MCAT. I'm planning to take the MCAT twice before I apply (next summer). I'll take it in January 2012, and again in April 2012, so I'll be ready to apply in June 2012. So, I figured 6 months preparing for it will be enough :)
That's all for now.

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