Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Crazy year

Hey guys! It's been a while. Many crazy things happened in the past few months. I had a horrible Spring semester, failing almost everything. That includes Org II and Lab, genetics, Cell Bio, Marine Bio (all F's). I managed to get a B in Ecology (I really liked it).
The reason is I'm having problems with my wife, and I don't know if I can keep my marriage from falling apart. We have two kids, 5 and 3, and we have a 3rd one on the way. Which makes things more complicated. I really hurt my sGPA through the years. I bet it's in the low 2.0's now. I have to calculate it. I was planning to apply this cycle, but after failing all these classes, I won't be able to graduate on time, and my gpa is way way too low. I'm thinking about applying next cycle to MD, DO, Caribbean, and Post-Bac Programs. Trying to be objective here. I know my chances are very slim, unless I kill the MCAT. I'm planning on taking it in April 2013, so I'll have like 8 months to prepare for it.
The thing is my willingness to study now is very low, and I'm kinda depressed. Will see how that goes. I will stay on top of this blog, and post as often as I can.
I'm not taking any Summer Classes this year. I'm not employed, so I don't have anything to do. Just no motivation to start studying.
That's all for now!


  1. First comment, failure is NOT a permanent option, simply a temporary setback. Second, the only way I know to overcome a bad semester is to distance yourself from it. That means you need to take at least a year away from enrolling in ANY formal classes until things settle down in your personal life. Third, if you're not working, that sounds like the perfect time to volunteer in a heath care setting while looking through some MCAT study materials. Fourth, realistically speaking you're at least 2 years from being "ready" to apply to med school based on your performance last semester. Please keep in mind that med school admission is a marathon not a 100 yard sprint, so take your time sorting out personal issues, followed by retaking classes. After you retake them, then you're ready to take the MCAT. SO like I said before, if you want to do this right, I think you need at least 2 years. Lastly, there's nothing wrong with seeing a therapist. In fact, I see therapy a lot like getting a tune-up for your car, just part of regular "self maintenance".

    Having said all that, I apologize if my comments came off as being too harsh. Don't give up your dream, just focus on getting your life back in order, one step at a time!

    1. Hey Apop201x,
      thanks for the honest comment. I guess you're right. I'll see what I can do. Life is tough, sometimes it's just brutal.

  2. Was in a very similar situation and made it through prayer.... In fact, I was not only on the verge of divorce and financial nightmare but had a health problems to top it off.... What a mess. BUT AS USUAL... God brought me through it and he can do the same for you. My friend, I will remember you in my prayers and I pray that you do as APOP201x said...TAKE YOUR TIME! Lord knows us grown folks don't feel like waiting any longer. It can feel so defeating to get so close and have to retake classes or stretch out another year, but it is worth it. I realized that those are times that require more planning and can potentially become your greatest times to reevaluate your plan for moving forward with a family in-tow. Because your life is very different from a single person without real responsibilities.... You can make it......

  3. Hey njdr2b,
    Thank you for the encouraging words. That was very sweet of you :)
